Google Account

How to Delete Your YouTube Account | PCMag May 15, 2013 How to Delete Your YouTube Account - Tech Junkie Nov 23, 2016

May 11, 2013 · Mine was Long Press on the account you wish to remove. A pop-up appears with only one option, "Open Account" Click on "Open Account" (this is likely where many people get confused; "I don't want to open the account, I just want to delete it!" Trust me, this is where you need to go) The next screen that appears now shows

There are two ways of getting to your comment history. The most straightforward is to simply enter into your browser’s 9. Click Sign in and sign in to the email associated with your AdSense account. You'll be redirected back to YouTube. 10. Click Next (this will bring you to the correct YouTube channel). 11. When prompted to sign in, select Sign in with a different account. 12. Sign in with the email associated with your YouTube channel. Go to the YouTube Advanced Account Settings page: Press delete channel. Expand the "I want to hide my channel" section. Check everything and press the "HIDE MY CHANNEL" button. You may need to wait a little before YouTube deletes your comments. You can check that all of your comments are delete here: Comments History 1 Go to and click the Sign Up link.. The Sign Up link is at the top-right of the page. This link takes you to the Create Your YouTube Account page.

When you create a new Google account, you will notice that you get a lot of Google services as well like YouTube, Google+ and others. We have already shared with you how you can delete Google+ account. When you delete your Google+ account, you will see that the YouTube account connected with that Gmail account will also be deleted.

How to permanently delete your YouTube account, or hide it When you permanently delete your YouTube account, you will also delete any videos you have posted to the site, as well as all of your comments, likes or dislikes, and messages.; You can also opt How To Permanently Delete An Instagram Account - YouTube